Beauty of a brick facade
6 October 2020

The coordinator of the architectural and conservation research program is Jerzy Borwinski, the outstanding Poznań conservator of monuments, who was previously involved in the renovation of structures such as Okraglak in Poznań, a tenement house at Kopernika Street, a villa in Stary Browar, and the Castle in Kornik. He is also the co-author of the “Atlas of Poznań Architecture.”
Jerzy Borwinski says: “The buildings belonging to the Stara Rzeznia complex were erected in the industrial neo-Gothic style. Each of the buildings had its own separate function which influenced the architecture of the building and the appearance of its interiors. The common element for all the buildings is the facade made of yellow clinker bricks, accentuated with red brick sills and cornices. After an initial inspection of several historical buildings in Stara Rzeznia, we can hypothesize that originally the roofs were covered with deep green and graphite glazed tiles. Unfortunately, most of the buildings are not in the best condition. After examining the various elements of the building structure, it will be possible to draw conclusions about the required conservation measures.”