The Secret of the old safe

15 March 2024

Restoring Stara Rzeznia in Poznań is a responsibility we take very seriously. We consider it an honor to bring back the splendor of this historic post-industrial architectural site. We have developed a comprehensive conservation research program, closely collaborating with the Office of the City Conservator and strictly following expert recommendations. Every detail of this extraordinary site receives our careful attention. We can’t wait for the day when we can share it with the people of Poznań. Today, we want to share an intriguing discovery made during the renovation of the first restored building – H17 (formerly an administrative building, and for a time, an employee daycare center).

While working on a ground-floor room, we uncovered an unusual reinforcement structure and noticed that the ceiling had been specially strengthened. The entire construction formed a kind of reinforced concrete cage around a single room. And inside? An ordinary safe. But the bigger mystery remains – what is hidden inside it? Rather than forcing it open, we called in an expert (but not a bank robber!) who will inspect the safe’s interior using a specialized camera.


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